Graduate Student Consortium

The Graduate Student Consortium (GSC) is a one day forum where PhD students meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced TEI researchers in an informal and interactive setting. The selected applicants are at various stages of their PhD, but all already have a clear understanding of their main research question and approach. A selection was made based on a short paper describing the PhD project and ongoing work, plus a 1-page statement of motivation.

The GSC takes place on Monday, 20th March at the 6th Floor Large Conference Room.


Monday, March 20th, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM,

[X]Changing Perspectives: Designing a Product Service System for Participatory Sensemaking in Multi- Stakeholder Dynamics around Public Issues

Philemonne Jaasma, (Eindhoven University of Technology).

The Design and Evaluation of Embodied Interfaces for Supporting Spatial Ability

Jack Shen-Kuen Chang (Purdue University)

Designing Gaze Simulation for People with Visual Disability

Shi Qiu (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Communicating Built Heritage Information Using Tangible Interaction Approach

Eslam Nofal (KU Leuven)

Design of Age-Inclusive Tangible User Interfaces Using Image-Schematic Metaphors

Robert Tscharn (University of Würzburg)

Body Based UI: Coupling Motion and Perception

Paul Strohmeier (University of Copenhagen)

Exploring Bio-Inspired Soft Fluidic Actuators and Sensors for the Design of Shape Changing Tangible User Interfaces

Kristian Gohlke (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)

Negotiating Ambiguity in Describing Fabrics Through Technology

Anamary Leal (Virginia Tech)

Maintaining and Constraining Performer Touch in the Design of Digital Musical Instruments

Robert Jack (Queen Mary University of London)

Performing with Technology

Asreen Rostami (Stockholm University)

Exploring Advance Interactions for Augmented Reality: From Casual Activities to In-Situ 3D Modeling

Ke Huo (Purdue University)
