TEI has a tradition of a Diversity and Inclusion lunch, aiming at boosting a discourse around diversity and inclusion in computing and interaction. Last year the lunch has turned into a panel, due to the pandemic situation. This year we evolve the panel into an online workshop and we delve further the same topic, with one more year of experience in our backpack. The multiplicity of effects of the pandemic is taking its toll on our lives. We are constructing new practices and dealing with frictions that still find us unprepared.

Most of the existing digital products are a materialisation of an industrial paradigm that holds a prioritization of achievements that rewards efficiency and competitiveness. We see the TEI community as a resource to contribute to figuring out ways to re-design the practice of working and collaborating, using digital technologies as a material that helps in eliciting different values and contribute to our lives to being more sustainable. We will dig into practical design examples using them as a way to prompt discussions from the perspective of inclusion and diversity.