February 15-17 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Theme of the CCT, 14th Annual Mardi Gras Conference


TEI 2008: We are happy to announce that TEI'08 will be in Bonn/Germany. Albrecht Schmidt from Fraunhofer IAIS/B-IT University of Bonn and Hans Gellersen from Lancaster University will chair the conference in 2008. Elise van den Hoven from Eindhoven University of Technology and Ali Mazalek from Georgia Institute of Technology are the program co-chairs. The conference will be held in the B-IT-Center (www.b-it-center.de) in February or March 2008. Find the TEI'08 web page here: http://tei-conf.org/. Link added 2007-07-14

Do you want to stay informed about TEI 2008 in Bonn/Germany? - Then please sign up here:
http://www.uie.bit.uni-bonn.de/tei08/. Updated 2007-03-14.

Panel discussion: An audio file is available of the panel discussion on Saturday with Mike Kruzeniski (Nokia Research, Los Angeles), Trevor Pering (Intel Research, Santa Clara), Bruce Thomas (University of South Australia), Paul Marshall (The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK), Astrid T. Larssen (University of Technology Sydney, Australia), Thecla Schiphorst (School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University); moderated by Eva Hornecker (the Open University, UK), Caroline Hummels (TU Eindhoven, NL), Robert Jacob (Tufts, US): TEI_panel.mp3 (47 MB). Updated 2007-03-07.

Several presentations online: The presentation slides of several talks including the 2 minute madnesses are online. If you want your slides to appear as well, please do not hesitate to email them directly to Paul Holleis. Updated 2007-03-15.

Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007

Tangible and Embedded Interaction '07 was held February 15-17 (just before the famous Mardi Gras festival) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. TEI'07 was the first international conference dedicated to research in tangible and embedded interaction. Work addressing interaction, design, tools, use, and art was all welcome, especially including interdisciplinary submissions across these themes. The conference was taking place in cooperation with ACM. The proceedings are be published electronically on the ACM Digital Library. The conference is held this year as the 14th Annual Mardi Gras conference at Louisiana State University, to be followed with an optional day trip to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Full submissions were due October 20, 2006.

Thank you for joining us in Baton Rouge!

Robert Jacob, Eva Hornecker and Caroline Hummels, program co-chairs
Brygg Ullmer and Albrecht Schmidt, conference co-chairs

Accepted submissions online

58 submissions from 20 countries have been accepted to the program. View online!

Registration system closed

The online registration system is now closed.


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