Five unique Studios at TEI 2019 will provide new and enriching perspectives on the field of tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction by combining the hands-on with the academic.
All Studios are one-day and will take place on Sunday, March 17, 2019.
8.00 ~ 9.00: Registration and studio setup
9.00 ~ 17.00/18.00: Studios (Your studio might have slightly different start / end times, in which case the studio coordinators will inform you.)
- All Studios have a limited number of available registrations, which are served on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- Studio fees vary between USD 75 and USD 170 and include coffee breaks during the day. The different prices reflect the different costs for materials for each studio.
- Studios are open to all TEI 2019 participants (i.e., they also require registration to the full conference)
- You can register for Studios at the same time you register for the conference.
If you have any questions about the program, please email to Studio Chairs.
S1: Critical Materiality: Creating Toolkits and Methods for Engaging Materiality in HCI
Organized by Joanna Berzowska, Aisling Kelliher, Daniela Rosner, Matt Ratto, Suzanne N Kite
Location: Tempe Mission Palms
Room: Dolores
S2: Be the Meeple: New Perspectives on Traditional Board Games
Organized by Dorothé Smit, Bernhard Maurer, Martin Murer, Jens Reinhardt, Katrin Wolf
Location: Tempe Mission Palms
Room: Colonnade
S3: Designing Hybrid Ways to Disseminate Interaction Design Research**
Organized by Jeroen Peeters, Rosa van der Veen
Location: Tempe Mission Palms
Room: Joshua Tree
** This studio has been canceled
S4: Designing Interactive Olfactory Experience in Real Context and Applications
Organized by Mei-Kei Lai, Yan Yan Cao
Location: Stauffer Communication Arts B (Fablab), 950 S Forest Mall, Tempe, AZ 85281

Walking route between Main Conference Venue (Tempe Mission Palms) and S4
S5: Composing Ecosystemically in Responsive Environments with Gestural Media, Objects and Textures
Organized by Brandon Michael Mechtley, Todd Ingalls, Lauren Hayes, Byron Lahey, Jessica Rajko, Seth Dominicus Thorn, Robert LiKamWa, Julian Stein, Garrett Johnson, Oswaldo Emiddio Vasquez, Connor Rawls, Peter Weisman, Assegid Kidane, Xin Wei Sha
Location: A. J. Matthews Center (iStage - 2nd Floor), 950 Cady Mall, Tempe, AZ 85291

Walking route between Main Conference Venue (Tempe Mission Palms) and S5
S1: Critical Materiality: Creating Toolkits and Methods for Engaging Materiality in HCI
Organized by Joanna Berzowska, Aisling Kelliher, Daniela Rosner, Matt Ratto, Suzanne N Kite
The miniaturization of electronic technologies, as well as advances in organic and material science, have contributed to the development of composite, smart, and computational materials that create promising narratives for the future of ubiquitous computing. The goal of this one-day studio is to develop tools to acquire a deeper conceptual and critical understanding of materiality in HCI. The studio will draw on strategies from a broad range of sources including critical making, speculative design, experiential prototyping, and indigenous ontologies, in order to map out key questions and concerns. The studio will give the participants the opportunity to discuss the concept of Critical Materiality as a framework for developing tangible, embedded, and embodied interfaces, by brainstorming narratives around the past lives, current uses, and the future imaginaries of materials. Participants will co-develop a shared vocabulary and theoretical framework for Critical Materiality as a strategy to be deployed in conceiving and implementing HCI artifacts and experiences. The studio will culminate in the design and production of a deck of cards that propose keywords, questions, concerns, and opportunities for Hybrid Materials within this Critical Materiality framework. The deck of cards will be made available during the conference and distributed online.
Studio website:
S2: Be the Meeple: New Perspectives on Traditional Board Games
Organized by Dorothé Smit, Bernhard Maurer, Martin Murer, Jens Reinhardt, Katrin Wolf
Games are a great objective for research on tangible and embodied interaction as they not only have a long tradition in both the analogue and the digital game domain; they also perfectly represent the tangible and the embodiment through the nature of game play. In this Studio, we will go beyond the analogue characteristics of board games, not just by adding a visual digital layer, but by examining new game play mechanics for board games through digital technology. We will do this by introducing a new role in board games as an immersed 'character' in the game. For this, we use a very specific technology (virtual reality live streaming from a miniature perspective) as a new lens on (existing) board games. Through experimentation with and exploration of existing board games through this new lens, we will conceptualize and prototype game play mechanics for this new notion of game participation.
Studio website:
S3: Designing Hybrid Ways to Disseminate Interaction Design Research
Organized by Jeroen Peeters, Rosa van der Veen
This studio will constructively explore hybrid publication formats for the dissemination of interaction design research in an academic context. We start from the premise that there is a gap between the richness of the artefacts created in interaction design research and the formal publication formats that exist today. Interactive artefacts and the experiences they elicit in use, possess a richness that is difficult to communicate in text and images alone. Through exploratory prototyping, we will explore this gap: what are key elements of artefact based research, that might benefit from alternative media, and how might we design such media to become useful supplements to existing dissemination formats? By bringing together a diverse group of participants from the TEI community to explore this topic, we aim at bringing forth a discussion on how we might stretch the boundaries of academic publication of interaction design research.
Studio website:
S4: Designing Interactive Olfactory Experience in Real Context and Applications
Organized by Mei-Kei Lai, Yan Yan Cao
Olfactory experience has become a popular topic in TEI community as its novelty in inviting new type of storytelling and new dimension of medium in embodied interaction. This studio focuses on the experiential approach of designing interactive olfactory experience in real world contexts. We will show two case studies on how to adapt contextual inquiry into designing olfactory interactions. We will also demo prototypes and introduce a set of basic digital tools for creating olfactory interactions. Based on the tools and demo, the participants will work in groups to design olfactory experience for their proposed contexts and applications. The aim of the studio is to establish a community in discussion of a new perspective in designing and evaluating interactive olfactory experience in real contexts and applications.
Studio website:
S5: Composing Ecosystemically in Responsive Environments with Gestural Media, Objects and Textures
Organized by Brandon Michael Mechtley, Todd Ingalls, Lauren Hayes, Byron Lahey, Jessica Rajko, Seth Dominicus Thorn, Robert LiKamWa, Julian Stein, Garrett Johnson, Oswaldo Emiddio Vasquez, Connor Rawls, Peter Weisman, Assegid Kidane, Xin Wei Sha
In this workshop, participants will try their hand at a variety of tangible, embodied, and embedded sensing and feedback technologies including vibrotactile instruments, expressive mechatronics, gesturally modulated fields of light, sound, mist, and realtime steerable immersive atmospheres. Working through hands-on experience by theme, participants will be introduced to compositional and experimental methodologies. In the second half of the workshop, participants will compose together some simple "ecosystems" using the Synthesis Center's hardware-software media choreography architecture (sc), in the iStage experimental theater-scale blackbox space.
Studio website: