Call for Arts Track Submissions - TEI 2014, Munich, Germany

Call for Arts Track Submissions

Important Dates

  • October 17, 2013, 11:59 pm PST: Arts Track Submissions Deadline (extended)
  • November 22, 2013: Notification of Acceptance

Quick Links

General Infos

Our daily life is characterized by an increasing quantity of digital data, global networking and changes in the equilibrium on our planet Earth. We face significant questions about personal and social context. There is growing sensory-rich data from biometric, health, neo-analog, DIY culture and geophysical sensing that expands our ability to augment or shift our perspectives and our knowledge. As we reconsider our identity within the internet of things, how can we incorporate the tangible, embodied and embedded technologies that bring awareness to ourselves as individuals and as communities.

The Arts Track at TEI 2014 is looking for artworks whose concepts reflect our sensory connection with each other and with ourselves. We invite interactive artworks exploring physical, digital, and networked connections, artworks that represent our embodied potential through the world of data that only exists in our imagination, and artworks that offer haptic and multisensory experiences in the dialog with them.

Artworks can range from digital interactive installations to all sorts of tangible, embedded and embodied experiments.

Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:

  • Designing artwork by physical interaction, traditional crafts and digital design tools, fashion, robotics, and kinetic sculptures. The extension of design language by programming, the return to the materiality in digital artwork.
  • The internet of things. The compensation of loss of orientation in digital age, parallel society and new states in the virtual world, virtual communities or the neighbor from next door, human needs and the global data space.
  • The quantified self and its reflection in increasing amounts of data, aspects of quality, selection and credibility.
  • Our planet and our sustainable relationship with it.

The Arts Track welcomes work from a wide range of practitioners in areas such as interaction design, engineering, fine arts, research or art, including submissions from students and independent practitioners.

Preparing the Submission

Submissions will include a short (5 minute maximum) video documenting the artwork and a short (2-page Extended Abstract template) paper in PDF format that will appear in the TEI Proceedings and will be indexed in the Extended Abstracts portion of the ACM Digital Library. Successful submissions will also be invited to present their work at the main conference during the Demonstration Session which can include an accompanying Poster, giving their work wider visibility in the TEI community.

Submissions should meet the following criteria:

  • Relevant: The work must have a tangible aspect, in the form of an installation, object or art piece.
  • Technological: It must involve computational technology in some aspect of its form or function.
  • Artistic: It must operate significantly and compellingly through its formal, emotional, conceptual, experiential, relational and contextual properties.
  • Creative: It must be innovative, in its technical architectural or physical form and concept.

All proposals must be submitted electronically via e-mail to Arts Track Chairs Karin Guminski and Thecla Schiphorst:

Please note that the maximum size of your submission (PDF) should not exceed 10 Mb. Authors must provide a link to download the video that documents the artwork (e.g. youtube or vimeo).


Submissions will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Concept: Is the work meaningful? Does it provoke or intensify critical reflection? Is there any multidisciplinary research involved?
  • Form: Does the work articulate its own "look and feel" grammatical rules?
  • Emotional and Experiential: How the work conveys specific moods or emotions to the participants? How it plays with cognitive and exploratory processes and performativity?
  • Relational and Contextual: Which types of relations it promotes among participants? How it produces relations with the world and/or other participants?

Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.


One author of each accepted submission must register for the conference before the early registration deadline in order for the final paper version to appear in the conference proceedings.

Arts Track Chairs

If you have questions about the Arts Track for TEI 2014, contact the Arts Track Chairs Karin Guminski and Thecla Schiphorst at .

TEI 2014 Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.


Keynote Speakers

Opening Keynote
Chris Harrison
The Rich-Touch Revolution is Coming
Closing Keynote
Eric Paulos
Hybrid Ecologies: New Stratagems for Computing Culture

Important Dates

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