Student Design Challenge - TEI 2014, Munich, Germany

Student Design Challenge: It's Magic

Please see the Call for Student Design Challenge for information on how to prepare and submit a proposal.

In this edition of the Student Design Challenge we celebrate Arthur C. Clarke claim that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. We invited students to construct a tangible object or performance that would challenge our assumptions of normality and will certainly awe the TEI community.

Date and Location

The presentations will take place on Monday, February 17, at 18:30 in the Große Aula, together with the welcome reception.

List of Selected Projects

Fionn Tynan-O'Mahony, University of Edinburgh, UK
Hyeonjin Kim, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria
Magic Tag (Jury Award, Best Show Award)
Carla Griggio, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Germán Leiva, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Olivier Perret, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Víctor Valle Juarranz, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Annie Han, Wellesley College, USA
Yu Mei Lay He, Wellesley College, USA
Stephanie Lee, Wellesley College, USA
Moment of Memory (Best Concept Award)
Franziska Tachtler, University of Munich (LMU), Germany
Sarang Borude, Indiana University, USA
Jordan Hayes, Indiana University, USA
Stephanie Poppe, Indiana University, USA
Yishi Yang, Indiana University, USA
Yalu Ye, Indiana University, USA
Nikita Jerschov, Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany
The Real Augmented Reality (Best Tech Award)
Kien Nguyen Canh, Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany
Patrick Oswald, Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany
Jordi Tost, Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany
Chitiiran Krishna Moorthy, York University, Canada
Sonal Ranjit, York University, Canada


Kindly sponsored by Ravensburger and Tangible Display, the prizes for Best Show, Best Technology and Best Concept (€777 each) were voted for by the TEI community and were awarded respectively to Magic Tag, The Real Augmented Reality and Moment of Memory.

An additional Jury Prize of €333 was chosen by a group of experts from the TEI community, namely Jiawei Gu (Microsoft Research Asia), Jimmy Hertz (Tangible Display), Frank Jacob (Human Interface Design Hamburg) and Fabian Hemmert (University of the Arts Berlin), and was also awarded to the project Magic Tag.

TEI 2014 Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.


Keynote Speakers

Opening Keynote
Chris Harrison
The Rich-Touch Revolution is Coming
Closing Keynote
Eric Paulos
Hybrid Ecologies: New Stratagems for Computing Culture

Important Dates

ACM Logo
LMU Logo

Platinum Supporter

DFG Logo

Gold Supporter

Fujifilm Dimatix Logo
Ravensburger Logo
Visionair Logo

Silver Supporter

City of Munich Logo
Microsoft Research Logo
Tangible Display Logo