Student Design Challenge

Important Dates

  • October 24, 2013, 11:59 pm PST: Student Design Challenge Submissions Deadline
  • November 22, 2013: Notification of Accepted Submissions

It's magic!

In his three laws Arthur C. Clarke says that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. This year magic will unfold new facets of technology at TEI. Design a tangible object or performance that will awe the TEI community. Build a prompt, scenario or costume that will challenge our assumptions of normality and will let your team have a Copperfield moment.

How to Participate

To reserve a place in the design challenge, send an entry email to no later than October 24, 2013. The email should contain:

  1. A list of team members and their affiliations (only students are allowed to participate).
  2. Primary contact name (one person) and information: Email address, Phone number, Contact address
  3. A short description of your idea (text, sketch, video).

At least one member of your team will have to register and present at the conference. Teams must bring all computers, hardware, and materials necessary for their project. Please let us know if you need any advice regarding travel and transportation. No equipment will be given out at TEI. We expect to be able to accommodate reasonable sound and lighting requests.

Judging and Awards

Three teams will be recognized for the best:

  • Technology
  • Concept
  • Presentation

Teams will be invited to present at the Design Challenge evening performance.

We are happy to announce cash prizes sponsored by Ravensburger and Tangible Display! Decided by popular vote, the winning group in each of the three categories will receive 777€. Additionally, there will be the juried prize of 333€. While one group can only win in one of the three categories, the juried prize does not exclude winners from the three categories.

Student Design Challenge Chairs

If you have questions about the Student Design Challenge at TEI 2014, contact the Design Challenge Chairs Larissa Pschetz and Daniel Wessolek at .

TEI 2014 Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.


Keynote Speakers

Opening Keynote
Chris Harrison
The Rich-Touch Revolution is Coming
Closing Keynote
Eric Paulos
Hybrid Ecologies: New Stratagems for Computing Culture

Important Dates

ACM Logo
LMU Logo

Platinum Supporter

DFG Logo

Gold Supporter

Fujifilm Dimatix Logo
Ravensburger Logo
Visionair Logo

Silver Supporter

City of Munich Logo
Microsoft Research Logo
Tangible Display Logo