

The conference will take place at the main building of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). The largest lecture theatre in the main building can accommodate more than 800 participants. The venue provides the perfect infrastructure for teaching and presentations and therefore, for holding a conference. It also provides an architecturally stimulating environment with historic buildings that can host banquets, demos and posters. The building is located in the heart of the city, only minutes from Munich's touristic center, the Marienplatz, and in the Schwabing area which provides the highest density of restaurants and pubs within the city.

Studios and Grad Student Consortium will take plase at Richard-Wagner-Straße 10, which is located 15 minutes by foot from the main conference venue or close to public transport station "Königsplatz" (U2).

Larger Map


Main conference venue address:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
Floor Plan

Studio day address (15 minute walk from the main conference venue):
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Richard-Wagner-Str. 10
80333 München

About Munich

Munich is Germany's third largest city and sometimes ironically called the northernmost city of Italy. It combines a vibrant cultural, economic and scientific scene with a unique southern flair and a relaxed way of life. Its beer gardens make it equally attractive in the summer as its skiing resorts do in the winter. The nearby Alps provide endless opportunities for outdoor endeavors at any time of the year. Munich hosted the 1972 Olympic summer games and the 2011 FIS ski world cup. It has a highly developed public transport system of buses, trams, subways and local trains, which makes reaching every part of the city fast and easy.

Munich is one of the main science locations in Germany and Europe. Internationally operating companies such as Siemens and BMW have research facilities located throughout the city. It is also home to many foreign research facilities like DoCoMo Euro-Labs. In addition, Munich has several Universities, the most important one being the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich, TUM). Both were among the winners in Germany's national elite university ranking (Exzellenzinitiative), which only lists nine universities in all of Germany so far. Overall, the research landscape in Munich is not only very wide and vivid but also diverse and the conference will attract a lot of attention and will benefit from this, most probably attracting a new audience and fresh blood.

The proposed conference date in February also falls into Munich's main skiing season. Various companies offer relatively cheap day trips to skiing areas in the nearby Alps, which can be reached by bus within 1-2 hours. This allows conference participants, to extend their stay by a day or two and have a full day of winter sport without even switching hotels, and be back in Munich in time for dinner.

TEI 2014 Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.


Keynote Speakers

Opening Keynote
Chris Harrison
The Rich-Touch Revolution is Coming
Closing Keynote
Eric Paulos
Hybrid Ecologies: New Stratagems for Computing Culture

Important Dates

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