
Paper format

This template should be used to prepare TEI 2020 Papers and Graduate Student Consortium submissions.

Authors can use the new ACM SIGCHI Proceedings Format for their submission (including the camera-ready version). There are three (3) options available:

Extended Abstracts format

Please use this template to prepare your submissions for the Arts track, the Student Design Challenge, Works in Progress, Studios, and Workshops.

Authors can use the new ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format for their submission (including the camera-ready version). There are three (3) options available:

Pictorials format

Please use the Adobe InDesign template below to prepare your submissions for Pictorials, which aims for an annotated visual composition. If you do not have access to InDesign, please use the current ACM Extended Abstract template (see above). Refer to the Pictorials guidelines for additional information.

Instructions for camera-ready submissions

ACM copyrights and author policies

After your paper gets accepted, the lead author will receive instructions from rightsreview@acm.org on the email address that is associated with the paper. Read through the ACM copyright and permissions policy to make yourself aware of any conflicts, expectations, releases, and 3rd party material information that will be needed to include certain figures, images, or other material in your submission.


Authors are strongly encouraged to work on improving the accessibility of their submissions, using recommendations found in the CHI 2019 Guide to an Accessible Submission.

Steps to make a document accessible include, but are not limited to, the following:

Creating the PDF file

Your final submission should not contain any footer, page numbering, or header string information at the top or bottom of each page. All submissions will be paginated in a determined order by the chairs and page numbers are added to each PDF during the compiling, indexing, and pagination process.

Finally, when you create your PDF from LaTeX or Microsoft Word, it should be an optimized PDF, quality of 600 dpi or more, and have embedded fonts. The page size must be US letter page size (8.5 x 11 inches). When your paper is ready, please check the PDF file for font embedding, formatting issues, bad column breaks, and all of the above-mentioned requirements.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Publications Chair.