Conference Dates & Times
Due to this year’s online conference structure the TEI2021 conference days will stretch throughout a full week from Sunday until Friday (February 14–19, 2021) instead of the usual compact Sunday/Monday to Wednesday conference format. Since an online conference needs to accommodate participation from all time-zones, TEI2021 will mostly take place live during daytime within the central European/African time zone, while providing both live and recorded interactive sessions for American and Asian participants.
The full interactive program is available online:
Therefore after the usual Graduate Student Consortium and Studios on Sunday February 14th, the main conference program will start Monday February 15th with an opening panel and keynote. Panels will always take place around European early afternoon throughout the week, in order to ensure the maximum live participation of late Asian and early American attendees. The main scientific program will be presented with compact session blocks before and after the main panels, which will be recorded for a second interactive presentation in other time zones. Presentations will take place within Zoom, while attendees can interact through dedicated Discord channels during the whole conference.
Conference Schedule
Feb 14-19, 2021
Online, Anywhere on Earth

Join the Conference in your Timezone
Live or recorded