TEI2024: On the edge



cork, ie

Picture of the Allihies Copper Mine Trail


The conference theme will be “On the Edge”: The theme echoes the location of the city and country that will host TEI’24. Ireland and the City of Cork are on the edge of Europe, which sometimes results in a sense of disconnection but also of opportunity and openness. We want to look at the positive and thought-provoking aspect of this by celebrating cutting-edge scientific research and art that is on the edge of disciplines and on the edge of new unique developments and possibilities. This will be reflected in the conference in the choice of keynote speakers, in the call for scientific contributions, in the curatorial brief for the arts track and exhibition, and in the student design challenge.

We will seek to attract and draw attention to work that is purposefully situated at the edge of known areas or possibly transcends or cuts through a number of disciplines and in doing so takes a risk true to the spirit of TEI. This vision will have a perfect home in Cork: an ancient yet postindustrial city, pushing the edge of arts and sciences, a port city on the edge of Europe, an island nation, and yet connecting to the other places, cultures and opportunities.