Important Dates
Event | Deadline |
Abstract deadline | |
Full submission deadline | |
Notification of conditional acceptance | |
Camera-ready deadline | November 29, 2023 AoE |
TEI 2024 conference | February 11-14, 2024 |
General Information
TEI 2024 is the 18th annual conference dedicated to presenting the latest results in tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. The ACM TEI conference has gained substantial visibility and activity over the past decade. It brings together researchers, practitioners, businesses, artists, designers and students from various disciplines, including engineering, interaction design, computer science, product design, media studies and the arts.
Topics and application areas are diverse, including: tangible user interfaces, physical interaction design, flexible and shape changing displays, haptic interaction, smart objects and cities, interactive surfaces, augmented and mixed reality, ubiquitous computing, interactive art and performance, social and wearable robotics, hybrid games, embodied cognition and perception, fashion and material design, furniture and architectural design, learning and education, music and sound interfaces, human-augmentation, as well as productivity and creativity tools in domains ranging from scientific exploration to artistic practice. We invite submissions from a wide variety of perspectives: theoretical, philosophical, conceptual, technical, applied, and/or artistic.
The intimate size of this single-track conference provides a unique forum for exchanging ideas and presenting innovative work through talks, demonstrations, posters, art installations and performances, and participation in hands-on studios and theoretical workshops.
The conference theme will be “On the Edge”: The theme echoes the location of the city and country that will host TEI’24. Ireland and the City of Cork are on the edge of Europe, which sometimes results in a sense of disconnection but also of opportunity and openness. We want to look at the positive and thought provoking aspect of this by celebrating cutting edge scientific research and art that is on the edge of disciplines and on the edge of new unique developments and possibilities. This will be reflected in the conference in the choice of keynote speakers, in the call for scientific contributions, in the curatorial brief for the arts track and exhibition, and in the student design challenge. We will seek to attract and draw attention to work that is purposefully situated at the edge of known areas or possibly transcends or cuts through a number of disciplines and in doing so takes a risk true to the spirit of TEI. This vision will have a perfect home in Cork: an ancient yet postindustrial city, pushing the edge of arts and sciences, a port city on the edge of Europe, an island nation, and yet connecting to the other places, cultures and opportunities.
Contribution Types
Authors are invited to submit high-quality papers that contribute to advancing this rapidly developing field. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper with a length proportional to its contribution and thus there are no maximum (or minimum) length papers. If your research contribution requires only 6, 8, or 12 pages (single column, plus references), please submit a paper of that length. Reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a submission relative to its length. Papers should be succinct, but thorough in presenting the work. Shorter, more focused papers are encouraged and will be reviewed like any other paper. Papers whose lengths are incommensurate with their contributions will be rejected.
We highlight the following non-exclusive set of contribution types:
- Artifact: We welcome submission of research artifacts that advance the state of the art in Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. Artifacts can demonstrate new technologies (e.g., new sensing techniques or algorithms), new forms of input (e.g., novel interaction techniques) or new designs (e.g., provocative or evocative objects, systems or services).
- Method: Tools, approaches and techniques that enable researchers, technologists, designers and practitioners to study, research and work on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. Methods can include new forms of study design or data analysis, new engineering processes or frameworks that can structure and constrain generative design activity.
- Theory: Explorations, extensions, refutions, instantiations and other developments of and to the theories pertaining to Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, such as theories of cognition or the mind and designerly theories and conceptual frameworks.
- Empirical: Studies and data that add to our understanding of Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction by, for example, providing quantitative accounts of salient aspects of human performance or qualitative characterizations of experiences with tangible artifacts and systems. Empirical submissions can detail outcomes from a very wide range of lab, field and online studies.
Respecting the diversity of approaches and methods that together make up TEI, each contribution type will be peer-reviewed on its own merits. We seek high-quality work regardless of the specific subdomain or topic and we expect the work to be positioned firmly in, and building on, prior research in our field, in particular wherever relevant referencing work that was presented at earlier TEI conferences.
Accepted submissions of all contribution types will be included as papers in the conference proceedings, which will be available in the ACM Digital Library.
Format Requirements
TEI 2024 uses the new ACM workflow TAPS for submission templates and published papers. TAPS requires the use of a simplified one-column template for submission, while the final two-column paper will be rendered for publication after acceptance. We strongly recommend using the LaTeX templates rather than Word. Papers do not have a page limit. All relevant information, including submission templates in Word and LaTeX, can be found here:
Presentation Format
Regardless of length and contribution type, a paper may be scheduled as a talk, demo and/or poster. Please consider what you think is the most appropriate presentation format for your work.
Anonymization Policy
All papers must be anonymized for review. Author and affiliation sections and credits must be left blank. Authors of accepted submissions will add this information in preparation of the “camera-ready” version. We are using the ACM CHI Anonymization Policy of reviewing. We use a relaxed model that does not attempt to conceal all traces of identity from the body of the paper.
Authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the title and header areas of the paper. Make sure that no description that can easily reveal authors’ names and/or affiliations is included in the submission (e.g., too detailed descriptions of where user studies were conducted). Authors should also remove any information in the acknowledgements section that reveals authors or the institution (e.g., specific supporting grant information). Also, please make sure that identifying information does not appear in the document’s meta-data (e.g., the ‘Authors’ field in your word processor’s ‘Save As’ dialog box). In addition, we require that the acknowledgments section be left blank as it could also easily identify the authors and/or their institution.
Further suppression of identity in the body of the paper is left to the authors’ discretion. We do expect that authors leave citations to their previous work unanonymized so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account by the authors. However, authors are required to cite their own work in the third person, e.g., avoid “As described in our previous work [10], … ” and use instead “As described by Jones et al. [10], …”
Review Process
Submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind process, and authors must ensure that their names and affiliations do not appear on the submitted papers. After the submission deadline and a paper-bidding process, the program chairs will assign each paper to a primary AC (1AC) and a secondary AC (2AC). The 1AC will find two external reviewers. Each external reviewer, and the 2AC will write a detailed review of their assigned submissions and assess the contribution of the research to the field. Thus, each paper will receive 3 detailed reviews. As part of this process, we will strive to find ACs and reviewers who are experts in the topic area of each submission. We also highly encourage all authors to sign up and volunteer to be a reviewer.
After the reviews have been written, the 1AC for a paper will ensure scholarly content and broader impact of reviews and write a meta review of the paper that summarizes the reviews from the two external reviewers and the 2AC. If 1ACs disagree with the other reviews, they will be encouraged to write a review as well as a meta-review. We will strive to distinguish between the 1AC’s assessment of the submission and the summarization of the other reviews. The 1AC will present a recommendation for the paper’s acceptance or rejection to the Program Chairs. Program Chairs and ACs will discuss the final acceptance of papers for inclusion in the program in a discussion phase. Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of TEI 2024, and will become available in the ACM Digital Library.
Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.
File Size
Please note that the maximum size of your submission should not exceed 40 Mb. If your requirements exceed this limit, please contact the program chairs to make alternative arrangements. It will be possible to submit large videos via a link to online content (e.g., YouTube or Vimeo) posted on an anonymous account.
One author of each accepted submission must register for the conference before the early registration deadline in order for the final paper to be published in the conference proceedings
Submission Process
All abstracts and, subsequently, full papers, must be submitted electronically via the Precision Conference (PCS) website before their respective deadlines (see above for all relevant dates). After a conditional acceptance of your paper, you have time to upload your revised paper along with a summary of changes until the camera-ready deadline. If your revisions are accepted, you will receive confirmation of final acceptance.
TAPS Procedure
Further details on the TAPS publication procedure, what happens after acceptance of your paper? Read the following page carefully if you have not yet done so:
For papers to be published via TAPS, the following steps will take place:
- Some time after you submitted the copyright form that you receive from ACM, you will receive an email from TAPS asking you to upload your source files and supplementary files to TAPS.
- We strongly suggest using the LaTeX template instead of the Word template for preparing the camera-ready (TAPS) version. Finalizing the submission using the Word template/workflow has caused authors some frustration. Please use the ACM Master Article Class and the included template. It does not matter which
you choose because TAPS will automatically apply\documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}
to your source. - If you are using the Word template, please prepare and submit your camera-ready version as a single-column manuscript by following these ACM provided guidelines:
- Prepare your source files and pack them into a ZIP file that follows the directory structure shown on the TAPS page. Note: You are also required to submit PDF version of your paper. However, this PDF is just for troubleshooting – all content for the Digital Library is compiled directly from the sources.
- Upload the ZIP file either via the upload form on the TAPS page (only for small files) or by uploading it to the external service linked on the TAPS page.
- TAPS will check whether the sources are valid and can be compiled. After some time the TAPS page will either show you a success message or an error message (you need to check the page manually from time to time).
- In the latter case, you will be given an error log. Please fix all issues and upload the ZIP file again until the manuscript compiles successfully.
- Once upload and compilation are completed successfully, you need to check whether PDF and HTML versions were generated correctly. Please check whether author names, figures, equations, references, etc. are rendered correctly in both formats. If not, click the “reject” radio button in order to upload a new version.
- Once you are satisfied with the results, please click the “approve” radio button.
- The proceedings chairs will check your submission for completeness and obvious formatting problems. If there are changes required, they will contact the corresponding author by email. Further documentation on what TAPS is, can be found here: new ACM workflow
Program Chairs
Tanja Döring, University of Bremen
Tom Jenkins, IT University of Copenhagen
Jelle Van Dijk, University Twente