20-23 March 2017 Yokohama, Japan

TEI 2017

11th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions.
TEI 2017 Awards

The Best Paper Award

What a Life! Building a Framework for Constructive Assemblies

Joanne Leong, Florian Perteneder, Hans-Christian Jetter, Michael Haller (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)

TEI 2017 Student Design Competition: The Most Futuristic Award

Phenomenologically Augmented Reality With New Wearable LED Sequential Wave Imprinting Machines

Pete Scourboutakos, Sarang Nerker, Max Hao Lu, Steve Mann (University of Toronto)

TEI 2017 Student Design Competition: The Best Implementation Award

MIDI Gloves

Kristofer Klipfel (University of Colorado, Boulder)

TEI 2017 Proceedings

All papers, work in progress, demonstrations, arts track works presented at the conference have been included in the conference proceedings, published by ACM.

Latest News

  • 2017 March 20th, There has been a program change due to unavoidable circumstances. please see the updated program here
  • 2017 March 1st, Complete conference program was released.
  • 2017 February 17th, Attention Work In Progress Authors: Poster size has been changed from A0 → A1
  • 2017 February 8th, ATTENTION! Paper track session order has been revised.
  • 2017 February 2nd, Work In Progress Program was released.
  • 2017 January 27th, Paper Track, Student Design Competition Program was released.
  • 2017 January 25th, Early bird registration was extended up to January 31st (JST).
  • 2017 January 25th, Keynote speakers announced.
  • 2016 November 11th, TEI 2017 Studio Workshops announced.
  • 2016 November 7th, Registration Open.

About TEI 2017

TEI 2017 is the 11th annual conference dedicated to presenting the latest results in tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. It will be held 20th to 23th March 2017 hosted at Keio University in Yokohama, Japan.

The ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) addresses issues of human-computer interaction, novel tools and technologies, interactive art, and user experience. The work presented at TEI has a strong focus on how computing can bridge atoms and bits into cohesive interactive systems. The intimate size of this single-track conference provides a unique forum for exchanging ideas and presenting innovative work through talks, interactive exhibits, demos, hands-on studios, posters, art installations and performances.

TEI is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI, in collaboration with Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, known as Keio Media Design or KMD.

Scifi :: Reality

Recall your past to Grasp the Future

The 11th TEI conference one year after the anniversary should set an outlook about the future directions of the community and the research. Therefore, we feel it is significant that the conference is hosted in Asia. Let’s create and experience the future together at TEI 2017. Related to past and future there is a fitting Japanese pro-verb: 温故知新 (On-ko-chi-shin). It means “you need to recall the past to understand the future” in English. We modified it slightly, as a tagline for our theme: ”recall your past to grasp the future”. More than most other academic venues in the interaction area, the TEI community understands that our mind is embodied, so to design the future we need to grasp it.

We will be actively searching for contributions and experiences that touch our future lifes, wellbeing productivity etc.

Program Overview

Keio University, Graduate School of Media Design

For a detailed conference program and the venue detailes, please visit Conference Program Overview

Keio University
  • 4-1-1, Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-city, Japan, 223-8526
  • contact [at] tei.acm.org