
We tried to make TEI 2023 registration as accessible as possible while still covering the expenses of the conference. Registration is now open through the CVENT online registration system, further details on the registration modalities are to be provided below. We are delighted to meet you in TEI 2023.


Registration to TEI 2023 will give you access to the full live and interactive program. Registered participants will have access to the full program of the conference. Online participation includes access to the livestream of the main track. Full conference registration includes access to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, Monday reception and conference dinner on Tuesday. Online participation includes access to livestreamed paper sessions and a tour of the demo session.


Please note that for every accepted PaperPictorial, Arts, or Work-in-Progress submission, at least one author has to register personally, as well as pay a publication fee during registration. Online participation is not possible for authors. While we do offer the possibiliy of presenting your paper remotely in case you are unable to travel to Wasaw, you are still required to register for the in-person conference and pay the corresponding publication fee.

ACM discounts & FUNDs

* SIGCHI membership costs $30 for professionals and $10 for students. For more info please visit

Registration Fees

Main Conference Registration Fees

Registration type
Early-bird (by Feb 01, 2023)
Regular (by Feb 20, 2023)
Late (after Feb 20 and onsite)
ACM / SIGCHI Members
Student ACM/ SIGCHI Members
Student Non-members
Publication fee: papers/pictorials
Publication fee: other tracks
Online participation

Studios Registration Fees

Registration type
ACM / SIGCHI Members and non-members

Visa Support Letter Requests

The Association for Computing Machinery does not issue formal invitation letters for visas to attend ACM sponsored conferences. We can however issue a visa support letter.  The following info should be posted on the conference website:ACM is able to provide visa support letters to attendees as well as authors with accepted papers, posters, or members of the conference committee.

For visa support letters, refer all requests to  Please allow up to 10 business days to receive a letter. All requests are handled in the order they are received. The information below should be included with the request:

  • Your name as it appears on your passport

  • Your current postal mailing address

  • The name of the conference you are registering for.  Only accepted authors may request a visa support letter prior to registering for the conference.

  • Your registration confirmation number

  • If you have any papers accepted for the conference, please provide the title and indicate whether you are the “sole author” or a “co-author”

  • Authors may indicate their paper title. If no paper, speakers can provide the title of their presentation

ACM does not provide letters for transport of vendor or presenter equipment.  ACM suggests shipping the materials insured to the conference facility.


Julia Dominiak, Lodz University of Technology, Poland



26 February – 1 March 2023 in Warsaw, Poland in University of Warsaw Library and Copernicus Science Centre



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