TEI 2023 Accepted Pictorials
We are happy to announce the accepted pictorials for TEI23. All pictorials will be presented as talks at the conferences. Stay tuned for the detailed program.
- Sofía Guridi, Emmi Pouta, Ari Hokkanen, Aayush Jaiswal. Light Tissue: Development of Cellulose-based Optical Textile Sensors.
- Kim Sauvé, Pierre Dragicevic, Yvonne Jansen. Edo: A Participatory Data Physicalization on the Climate Impact of Dietary Choices.
- Sark Pangrui Xing, Bart van Dijk, Pengcheng An, Miguel Bruns, Yaliang Chuang, Stephen Jia Wang. Puffy: A Step-by-step Guide to Craft Bio-inspired Artifacts with Interactive.
- Daniel Gagnon-King, Lee Jones, Sara Nabil. Interactive Stained Glass: Exploring a New Design Space of Traditional Hybrid Crafts for Novel Fabrication Methods.
- Fiona Bell, Derrek Chow, Hyelin Choi, Mirela Alistar. SCOBY Breastplate: Slowly Growing a Microbial Interface.
- Jacob Buur, Mary Karyda, Mette Gislev Kjærsgaard, Jessica Sorenson, Ayşe Özge Ağça, Michela Antonelli. A Collection of Tangible Theory Instruments for Design Anthropology.
- Dianya Mia Hua, Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell. Embodied Embroidery: Somaesthetic Interaction Design for Women’s Masturbation.
- Mélodie Jacob, Ida Damen, Carine Lallemand. Exploring the Embodied Experience of Walking Meetings through Bodystorming – Implications for Design.
- Yi Ling (Ellie) Tai, Jason Ng, Nandini Pasumarthy, Deepti Aggarwal, Rohit Ashok Khot. FoodChestra: Rethinking Domestic Food Consumption through Multi-modal Open Pantry.
- Elzelinde van Doleweerd, Miguel Bruns. The Creation of a Holistic Interactive Dining Experience with Shape-changing Food Materials at Restaurant Alchemist.
- Sandra Monica Olim Câmara, Valentina Nisi, Elisa Rubegni. “Periodic Fable Discovery”: Using Tangible Interactions and Augmented Reality to Promote STEM Subjects.
- Dean Brown, Liliana Ovalle, Naho Matsuda. A Practice-Based Approach to Post-Human Computer Interaction: Design notes from Nature Scenes.
- Mafalda Gamboa, Sara Ljungblad, Miriam Sturdee. Conversational Composites: A Method for Tangible Illustration Layering.
- Mafalda Gamboa. My Body, My Baby, and Everything Else: An Autoethnographic Illustrated Porfolio of Intra-Actions in Pregnancy and Childbirth.
- Hye Yeon Nam, Janiece M Campbell, Andrew M. Webb, Brendan Harmon. FloraWear: Wearable Living Interface.
- Sydney Pratte, Anthony Tang, Shannon Hoover, Maria Elana Hoover, Matt Laprairie, Catherine Larose, Lora Oehlberg. Towards a Design Space for Storytelling on the Fashion Technology Runway.
Pictorials chairs
Sara Nabil, Queen’s University, Canada
Clement Zheng, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Daniel Harley , University of Waterloo, Canada